
Detox Rituals

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zelloon Detox Ritual

zelloon Detox Ritual 

The Detox Ritual, which was deve­lo­ped espe­ci­ally for zelloon, is intro­du­ced with a special soot­hing salt stone massage. Toge­ther with the subse­quent body salt wrap, the deto­xi­fy­ing and clean­sing effect unfolds. While the essen­tial mine­rals are given time to take hold, tensi­ons in the face and head area are released. The Vichy-Shower appli­ca­tion that follows is a true plea­sure for all the senses and solemnly concludes this nouris­hing skin­care treatment. 


Manual treatments

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zelloon Healing Massage

Manual Lymph Drainage

Foot Reflexology Treatment

zelloon Heal­ing Massage 

In this tailor-made session, our experts apply targe­ted massage and heal­ing tech­ni­ques to balance any tensi­ons and blocka­ges. Your skin will also enjoy the atten­tion and care, as only the purest essen­ces and orga­nic natu­ral oils from a small Tyro­lean oil mill are used in zelloon treatments. 

Manual Lymph Drainage 

In this effec­tive decon­ges­tion treat­ment, the lymph flow is speci­fi­cally stimu­la­ted by very gentle massage and drai­nage tech­ni­ques. This can reli­eve swel­ling and pain more quickly and acce­le­rate heal­ing proces­ses. Lympha­tic drai­nage is also used to support puri­fi­ca­tion program­mes and thera­peu­tic fasting. 

Foot Reflexology Treatment 

The soot­hing stimu­la­tion of the reflex zones on the feet has a holi­stic effect on your organs and systems, and the body is regu­la­ted and balan­ced, reali­sing tension. An expe­ri­en­ced thera­pist guides you through the effec­tive treat­ment, apply­ing even pres­sure on the zones that offer the most benefit. 


Integrative treatments

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Reconnective Healing

Personal Reconnection

Recon­nec­tive Healing 

Recon­nec­tive Heal­ing is all about finding your way back to balance. You come into cont­act with heal­ing frequen­cies that set a self-heal­ing process in motion in order to rege­ne­rate and keep you healthy. You will not be trea­ted in this programme, but rather a state of order and harm­ony will arise within you. This leads human beings as a whole back into their very own balance – physi­cally, mentally and spiritually. 

Perso­nal Reconnection 

Humans were origi­nally deeply connec­ted to the astro­bio­lo­gi­cal cycles of the universe. The strong bond to this univer­sal energy system is called “The Recon­nec­tion”. Recon­nec­tion is an acce­le­ra­ted exch­ange of energy, light and infor­ma­tion in the Recon­nec­tive Heal­ing frequen­cies. Three systems are recon­nec­ted: the energy lines of our body, those of the earth and of the universe. Through recon­nec­tion we gain access to our true poten­tial. We live what we really are. Life tasks become clear again and doors, possi­bi­li­ties and synchro­ni­ci­ties open up. We enter into reso­nance with our life tasks. Perso­nal Recon­nec­tion is carried out only once in a life­time and it is permanent.


zelloon Coachings

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Movement Coaching

Balance Coaching

Energy Coaching

Move­ment Coaching 

An ideal programme to grow your love of move­ment. Your mobi­lity, agility, body strength and dyna­mics, your move­ment endu­rance and coor­di­na­tive skills can be acti­va­ted or further deve­lo­ped with lively crea­ti­vity tail­o­red to you. 

Balance Coaching 

This perso­nal session is all about streng­thening your ability to balance stress. Included in this coaching is an indi­vi­dual analy­sis of your heart rate varia­bi­lity (HRV stress analy­sis) to promote your opti­mal access to resour­ces of rela­xa­tion and your balan­cing abilities. 

Energy Coaching 

In this session you will have the oppor­tu­nity to look at your current energy state by means of a modern GDV analy­sis to carry out tailor-made energy regu­la­ti­ons. You can explore in detail how to imple­ment and promote the lear­nings in ever­y­day life with perso­nal recommendations. 


zelloon Cellrecovery

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Our Method

Our Method 

Our cellu­lar ability to produce energy is a highly complex system of chemi­­cal-physi­­cal proces­ses. This process can get out of sync due to various factors such as ageing proces­ses, too little sleep, nutri­tio­nal errors or stress. Our reco­very therapy method is an appli­ca­tion that supports and empha­si­ses the reco­very poten­tial of those affec­ted and prevents chro­nic dege­ne­ra­tive dise­a­ses, delays them or allows them to take a milder course. Cell trai­ning addres­ses cell meta­bo­lism and the provi­sion of energy for all body systems. Through the hypo­xic stimu­la­tion phase, in which you brea­the in air with a lower oxygen content, the mito­chon­dria condense and reju­ve­nate. That’s why they’re often refer­red to as “power­hou­ses of the cell”. Energy produc­tion is opti­mi­sed, which leads to grea­ter physi­cal and mental perfor­mance in ever­y­day life. Every body expe­ri­en­ces oxida­tive stress and cell ageing, so the zelloon cell reco­very method is suita­ble for ever­yone. 2–3 sessi­ons can be taken per week.


All our thera­pies are available by prior appoint­ment only and we ask you to cont­act us directly about free time slots or send us an inquiry.