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Golf grounds us and allows us to prac­tise humi­lity, meaning this sport blends well with our medi­cal well­be­ing concept. In our adult-only boutique hotel, you will find the perfect rela­xa­tion programme crea­ted around your favou­rite sport, with special heal­ing massa­ges to loosen up muscles and fasciae. In our exclu­sive bath­house with various saunas, a rela­xa­tion room to calm the mind, and an aesthe­ti­cally plea­sing outdoor swim­ming pool, you can reju­ve­nate comple­tely in next to no time. 

We will gladly arrange attrac­tive packa­ges for you to enjoy the day at a golf course, in our medi­cal depart­ment and in our bathhouse.

You’ll be plea­sed to know that the nearest 18-hole golf course, one of the leading golf cour­ses in Austria, is only 11 minu­tes away by car. Our course will delight golfers of all levels. 

And what’s more, seve­ral other golf cour­ses are easy to reach within an hour’s drive, brin­ging you that little bit closer to Tyrol’s golf country.