
Our stomach is also refer­red to as our “second brain”. Important endo­cri­no­lo­gi­cal func­tions are control­led through our diges­tive tract. A distur­bance of the intesti­nal func­tion impacts the entire orga­nism and can promote serious dise­ase, some­ti­mes even intesti­nal cancer. Exces­sive stress and an unhe­althy diet are conside­red the main causes, but pain­kil­lers and anti­bio­tics can also lead to an imba­lance. After a thorough analy­sis, we initiate a therapy to cleanse and subse­quently build up the intesti­nal flora with support­ive nutri­tion, exer­cise and stress coaching and can thus restore the balance in the intestine. 

Bild + Liste-Block
zelloon 152 zelloon boutique hotel nussbaumerphotography web

Basic service package for 1 week includes:

One initial and one conclu­ding medi­cal examination

One medi­cal report discussion

Bioim­pe­dance measu­re­ment – analy­sis of body compo­si­tion, fat, muscle, and water

Measu­re­ment of heart rate varia­bi­lity (HRV) as a reflec­tion of the auto­no­mic nervous system.

Detox energy Coaching with indi­vi­dual regu­la­tion of energy.

1 zelloon Detox Ritual

1 zelloon heal­ing massage

4x Inter­vall oxygen therapy– Cell­re­co­very — IHHT

2x whole body cryotherapy

zelloon Detox wraps

Feel nature: Nature expe­ri­ence in a group or individually,

3x daily zelloon fasting meals inclu­ding beverages, 

daily move­ment thera­pies in a group or individually,

in-house 24-hour medi­cal care available if needed.