The immune system serves as a protective system but also as a partner in tolerance.
The immune system serves as a protective system but also as a partner in tolerance.
Our survival depends on how well a barrier functions, as well as how effectively the system can handle “foreign” entities. Sometimes, there is an “overdrive” of the immune system, which then reacts not only against foreign substances but also against the body’s own tissues. The result is chronic diseases associated with significant suffering and lifelong medication in the form of cortisone or similar substances.
Among the 80 to 100 known autoimmune diseases with different symptoms, issues in the intestinal tract are predominant. Diagnostically, we can determine specific laboratory parameters, analyse your intestinal health and dietary habits and offer valuable support based on the results.
The aim of functional medicine is to find the causes, restore immunological balance and increase well-being.
Recognising and successfully treating allergies
Allergies are the result of a tolerance disorder in our immune system. The ability to distinguish between self and non-self requires a stable balance between attack and non-reaction. When this balance is disrupted, it leads to an overreaction and the development of an allergy. The skin and the gut often react first to certain substances that may be present in foods or personal care products. However, other organ systems can also be affected, potentially triggering an autoimmune disease. Allergies can also lead to a permanent reduction in quality of life. We investigate the causes and triggers using scientific methods and help you find your personal path out of allergies and restore your immune balance.
One initial and one concluding medical examination
One medical report discussion
Bioimpedance measurement – analysis of body composition, fat, muscle, and water
Measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) as a reflection of the autonomic nervous system.
Detox energy Coaching with individual regulation of energy.
1 zelloon Detox Ritual
1 zelloon healing massage
4x Intervall oxygen therapy– Cellrecovery — IHHT
2x whole body cryotherapy
zelloon Detox wraps
Feel nature: Nature experience in a group or individually,
3x daily zelloon fasting meals including beverages,
daily movement therapies in a group or individually,
in-house 24-hour medical care available if needed.