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“Be moderate in all things, breathe pure air, practice daily skin care and physical exercises, and heal a small ailment more through fasting than through medicine.” 

Hippo­kra­tes von Kos greece doctor and teacher

We gradu­ally approach this through days of light meals at home, where only light food is on the menu. It is a medi­cal concept focu­sed on the cell. We promote the clean­sing process of the cells, trig­ge­ring casca­des of bioche­mi­cal proces­ses so that the old is shed and the new is built. This process, known as auto­phagy, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2016 to the Japa­nese rese­ar­cher Yoshi­nori Ohsumi, who was the first to illus­trate the connec­tions within mole­cu­lar struc­tures. The holi­stic perspec­tive aims to encom­pass the entire spec­trum, touch­ing upon the indi­vi­dual in their physi­cal­ity, as well as their emotio­nal and spiri­tual conscious­ness, all embedded in a new under­stan­ding of nature. 

zelloon sieben saeulen
International studies show that these 7 pillars are essential for ideal health.
The zelloon concept, with its modern diagno­stics and therapy, aims to improve these 7 pillars, promo­ting, acti­vat­ing, and stimu­la­ting the body’s self-heal­ing powers down to the smal­lest cell. It has reju­ve­na­ting and rege­ne­ra­ting effects and opti­mi­zes perfor­mance and quality of life.
Bild + Liste-Block
zelloon 152 zelloon boutique hotel nussbaumerphotography web

Basic service package for 1 week includes:

One initial and one conclu­ding medi­cal examination

One medi­cal report discussion

Bioim­pe­dance measu­re­ment – analy­sis of body compo­si­tion, fat, muscle, and water


Measu­re­ment of heart rate varia­bi­lity (HRV) as a reflec­tion of the auto­no­mic nervous system.

Detox energy Coaching with indi­vi­dual regu­la­tion of energy.

1 zelloon Detox Ritual

1 zelloon heal­ing massage

4x Inter­vall oxygen therapy– Cell­re­co­very — IHHT

2x whole bodyCryo­the­rapy

zelloon Detox wraps

Feel nature: Nature expe­ri­ence in a group or individually,

3x daily zelloon fasting meals inclu­ding beverages, 

daily move­ment thera­pies in a group or individually,

in-house 24-hour medi­cal care available if needed.