
Lasting immune strengthening for Long Covid

After an infec­tion with SARS COV2 (Corona virus), long-lasting and recur­ring symptoms can occur. If symptoms occur more than four weeks after the acute illness and cannot be explai­ned by other illnesses, this is called post-Covid or long-Covid syndrome. Common symptoms include breathing diffi­cul­ties, exhaus­tion and redu­ced perfor­mance. The symptoms can occur indi­vi­du­ally or in combi­na­tion; they can have a perma­nent or spora­dic effect on your well-being.

Our team keeps up to date on most current rese­arch and deve­lops speci­fic therapy program­mes with the aim of streng­thening your immune system in the long term. We pay special atten­tion to redu­cing inflamm­a­tory media­tors and incre­asing the perfor­mance of the “power­hou­ses” of your cell, the mitochondria.