
Our “Adults only” concept is desi­gned to create an atmo­sphere of peace and sere­nity. Here, adult guests can enjoy an undis­tur­bed stay. Be it for roman­tic geta­ways, rela­xing breaks or special occasions. 

The thoughts inter­na­li­sed in our archi­tec­ture do not aim to reject or deva­lue child­ren. Instead, we specia­lise in crea­ting a rela­xed and tran­quil envi­ron­ment speci­fi­cally tail­o­red to the needs of adult guests. 

Our house is an expres­sion of our commit­ment to provide you with a peaceful and rela­xing envi­ron­ment, an oasis. We respect and value all forms of travel. Travel­ling with child­ren is a wonderful expe­ri­ence, as we oursel­ves have a large family with seven grand­child­ren alre­ady. For this reason, we also know that this calls for a diffe­rent type of accom­mo­da­tion than the one we offer. 

Our staff pride them­sel­ves on provi­ding a warm welcome to all guests and are happy to answer any ques­ti­ons or concerns you may have. We are commit­ted to ensu­ring that your stay with us is a memo­rable one. 

We look forward to welco­ming you.